The Sol Journal

6 tips to relieve bloating naturally


6 tips to relieve bloating naturally

10 October, 2023

Like many health complaints, bloating can’t be healed instantly overnight. However, by implementing a few simple practices into your diet and lifestyle you can ease discomfort and reduce that full belly feeling.

Why are we all so bloated?

Have you ever got dressed for the day in a fabulous pair of pants or a beautiful skirt that becomes increasingly tighter around your waist as the day goes on? Then, by the end of the day, you look forward to unbuttoning your pants in the safety of your car for instant relief. If you can relate to this shared experience, you are one of the 1 in 6 Australians that experience bloating outside of diagnosed digestive disorders.

Bloating is a feeling of fullness in the abdominal area, often described as having an inflated balloon sitting between the chest and hips. Some will associate this with having a physically distended stomach; this is when it has expanded past where it typically sits comfortably, whereas others will feel fullness without physically being able to show it. Along with bloating, you may feel pain, increased gas, discomfort, a hardened stomach and increased rumbling or noises coming from the area.

It is easy to blame your last meal for the bloat you experience, which can be a fair assumption as food tolerances and choices are often a cause. However, there are many less spoken-about reasons for bloating, including swallowed air from carbonated drinks, chewing gum and eating fast. Digestive problems such as constipation, irritable bowel syndrome and microbiome imbalances can also greatly influence a person's experience with bloating. Additionally, stress, weight gain and hormone fluctuations can also be causative for the bloat as they can speed up or slow down motility depending on your digestive tendencies.

Like many health complaints, bloating can not be instantly healed with the pop of a pill or introducing one food to cure all. However, on the bright side, by implementing mindfulness into six areas of focus related to your food and lifestyle routines, you will be able to ease the discomfort and reduce the regularity of that full belly feeling.


Six tips for a better belly


It would come as no surprise that fibre is the first area of focus as this is often the first piece of advice anyone with a digestive complaint is offered. Those who have experienced constipation and bloating will often be nervous about introducing more fibre as it can cause the symptoms to worsen if not done by starting low and slow. However, introducing a teaspoon of Psyllium husk, equal to 5 grams of fibre, into your day is a great way to work up to the recommended 25-30 grams needed for optimal digestion. Enjoy plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains when introducing more fibre whilst staying clear of common bloating aggregators, including beans, broccoli, cabbage, sprouts, cauliflower and onions, until the digestive system is more vital to start reintroducing these foods.


Herbal Teas

A collection of specific herbal teas can act like a first aid kit for relief in the moment of bloating. For example, Peppermint tea, an after-dinner favourite, can reduce digestive inflammation and relaxes the gastrointestinal tract contributing to less bloating and pain. Lemon Balm, Ginger, Fennel and Chamomile are other beautiful examples of herbal teas used in traditional medicine to reduce bloating and relieve digestive distress.



Bloating caused by either constipation or fluid retention can benefit from ensuring hydration levels are in check. Drinking enough water daily encourages motility throughout the digestive tract and can relieve fluid retention often caused by hormonal fluctuations or excess sodium diets. Adults should aim for between 8-10 cups or 2 -2.5L per day, with higher amounts for those who are very physically active or in warmer climates.


Mealtime Mindfulness 

Practising mindfulness at mealtimes can look like eating slower than usual by resting your knife and fork between bites, chewing your food thoroughly or even recognising how many times you chew your food (the goal being 30 chews per mouthful). Paying attention to the act of eating as opposed to being on the run or in front of the television or phone has been shown to reduce digestive symptoms. This is as being mindful when eating switches us into the parasympathetic nervous system, where it is safe to rest and digest, compared to fight and flight.



Incorporating regular movement relieves bloating by encouraging digestive motility and more frequent bowel movements. A way to incorporate this into your day is by taking a brisk 10-20 minute walk after lunch or dinner. Not only will this aid digestion, but it has also been shown to assist in stabilising blood sugar levels, reducing stress and improving mood. This is why our cleanses are supported by meditations, rituals, guided mindfulness activity workbooks and movement.


Notice your Sensitivities 

What may be causing your bloating can differ from what causes your mum, brother or best friend to be bloated. A significant first step is to keep a personal record of the particular foods consumed before experiencing bloating to identify any intolerances, allergies or irritants. Common sensitivities occur with food containing gluten, dairy and FODMAPs, which are short-chain carbohydrate molecules poorly absorbed in the small intestine, including lactose and fructose.

Many food intolerances can be hard to pinpoint, and implementing a low-FODMAP diet can be restrictive. Therefore, it is best to seek the support and guidance of a health practitioner to run the appropriate testing and treatment if you suspect your symptoms are a result of an intolerance.


Can juice cleansing reduce bloating?

Juice cleansing can be a great way to improve your overall health and wellness, but does it actually help with bloating?

While homemade juices or juice cleanses purchased from other sources may not significantly alleviate bloating, Sol Cleanse offers a unique approach. Our Organic Cleanse Programs incorporate a variety of nutritious juices, smoothies, and meals (depending on the chosen program), in addition to our cleanse supporting Be Light herbal tea, probiotics, and fibre supplements that help promote optimal digestive health. Plus, everything we offer is gluten and dairy-free - perfect for those with dietary sensitivities.

Feedback from our customers support the effectiveness of our cleanses, with almost 80% of them reporting a reduction in bloating after completing their program. If you’re looking for a way to feel better and reduce bloating, consider exploring our selection of Organic Juice Cleanses. We've got something for everyone, regardless of your lifestyle. If you’re unsure where to start, let us help you choose the best cleanse level for you by taking our quick quiz. Alternatively, please email us and our in-house team of Wellness experts are on hand to help with your questions.