The Sol Journal

On a Wellness Journey with Leah Simmons


On a Wellness Journey with Leah Simmons

17 December, 2021

Meet Leah Simmons, a dedicated health and fitness expert and founder of KAAIAA, as she shares her transformative cleanse experience with us.

Leah Simmons is a certified pilates instructor, personal trainer and kundalini yoga teacher with an insatiable passion for all things health and fitness.

As the founder of KAAIAA she has dedicated over 15 years to transforming people’s physiques, (including her own), but soon realised that just training your body wasn’t enough to make you happy.

We caught up with Leah during her 5 Day Level 2 Refresh & Glow Cleanse to discuss all things health and wellness.

What do you think is key to living a happy and healthy life?

What I’ve found in my 15+ years in the fitness industry, is that happiness (or true health for that matter), doesn’t come from just focusing on your physical health. It is finding time to train across all aspects of your life – what I call 'The 4 Pillars Of Health' (Mental, Physical, Emotional and Spiritual). To be truly happy and healthy you need to not only train your body, but your mind and your spirit too. It’s looking at your belief systems, your language and your behaviours and removing any unhealthy patterns or habits. It’s finding a balance between energy out and energy in. Luckily I’ve created a workout that does just that. KAAIAA is a combination of proven modalities (Breathwork, Body Work, Meditation and Integration) that trains across ALL 4 Pillars of Health. That is MY key to living a happy and healthy life!

How has your wellness journey evolved in recent years?

I am much more in tune with what I need to preserve consistent and effective results. Discovering meditation and breathwork and then adding them into my training regime has had a profound impact on my life. Becoming a mother has also made me look at my choices around food, lifestyle and mental health, as well as prioritising self-care- so that I can really show up in the best way, not just for myself, but my family as well. Slowing down to spend quality time with the people I love has also played a major part in my health and wellness journey – connection is everything.

How does spirituality play a role in your life?

For me, spirituality means connection. How connected you are to yourself, to others and to the world. And to experience that true connection it means being in the present moment. Easier said than done! We unconsciously spend so much time thinking about the past or worrying about the future that we forget the magic of being in the here and now. When you can slow down and appreciate where you are in the moment, find some gratitude for even the smallest of things in your life, then you will experience true spiritual connection.

How do you connect to community?

Community is so important to me. When the most recent lockdown started I had just launched KAAIAA and was about 4 months in to my studio being open. It was great to connect with the local community however when I had to close the doors I needed a way to stay connected to my students and support not only their physical health but their mental and emotional health as well. This was even more important as people were isolated. So I decided to offer a free zoom class every day during lockdown- not imagining it would go on for over 3 months!  But I showed up every day and the online community grew. It was a consistent, safe space where people could come and feel supported during what was a very uncertain time. It went from about 20 people per day on the zoom to over 650! Never underestimate the power of a community to heal the world.

What does sustainability mean to you?

Sustainability for me is all about making conscious choices and considering the impact your choices have on the planet. Sometimes it can feel overwhelming when you look around at all of the areas you can improve – it can almost feel too much – but my advice would be to just begin with something small you can maintain and build from there.

  • Replace your disposable coffee cup with a reusable one.
  • Take your own bags to the supermarket.
  • Say no to a plastic straw.
  • Recycle, reuse and repurpose where you can.
  • The biggest change always starts with a single step. Don’t be afraid to take one!

Leah recently did our Level 2: Refresh & Glow Cleanse for 5 days, here's what she had to say about her experience:

Leah Simmons
I just completed the most amazing 5 day juice cleanse with Sol Cleanse and I feel fantastic!! 🤩 Anyone that knows me knows that I am a huge advocate of mixing up your daily routine to reset the system.. where it’s intermittent fasting, a bone broth challenge or simply cutting out the caffeine for a while (easier said than done I know!!). But sometimes life calls for a bigger commitment.. and it’s as much a mental challenge as it is a physical one. Understanding how we are programmed to believe we “need” all the food we consume on a daily basis and then challenging those beliefs take courage, correct guidance and a whole lot of self-discipline! But the rewards at the end are massive. A clear mind, soaring energy levels, feeling lighter and less sluggish, a kickstart into cultivating better choices around what we consume. And this one did it for me! I couldn’t recommend it more. The key is in the preparation. Lighten your schedule, set an intention and be kind to yourself. And if at first you don’t succeed...then try again!

- Leah Simmons