The Sol Journal

Embracing the year that was and manifesting the future


Embracing the year that was and manifesting the future

31 December, 2023

As the New Year unfolds, take a moment to celebrate your achievements, embrace lessons learned and set the stage for an inspired and intentional journey in 2024.

Now that the excitement of the New Year is here, we invite you to create a moment to acknowledge the journey you have been on in the past 12 months. Have you celebrated your milestones, embraced the valuable lessons learned, savoured the new experiences, and expressed gratitude for your blessings? Equally significant is recognising the hurdles or challenges you have overcome and how sometimes, against your will, they have encouraged your greatest growth.

Reflecting on the past sets the stage for how you approach the New Year, shaping your perspective and intentions. This coupled with the act of physically putting pen to paper is a therapeutic exercise that not only allows your thoughts and emotions to flow freely but solidifies your intentions. Through this reflective and intentional process of curated 10 questions, you will welcome the new with an open heart and create inspired energy for 2024.

Reflection journal prompts

  1. What was your greatest achievement and/or biggest highlight in 2023?
  2. What are some of the challenges of 2023 and subsequent lessons learned that came through as a result?
  3. What do you need to release, forgive and let go of from the past year (this could be habits, hurt, something that happened, people, etc)?
  4. If you have kept a gratitude journal, what would be your top entry? What makes your heart happy when you think about the year?
  5. Picture your life as a garden. Which areas bloomed and blossomed in 2020, and where do you think a bit more sunshine and care might be needed? Areas of reflection can be broken down into:
    • Relationships
    • Self-development
    • Career
    • Finance
    • Health & Wellbeing
    • Family
    • Any other area that comes to mind

Prompts for New Year intentions

  1. Firstly, choose a word that you resonate with to guide and inspire you for 2024? For example, joy, freedom, love, letting go, patience, growth, flow, abundance, connection.
  2. What’s one thing that you always say you’re going to do that you haven't got around to? Is there something you are determined to follow through with this year? If so, what is it and how will you approach it differently to make it happen?
  3. What’s one of your major life goals?  What steps big or small are you going to take this year to help you get closer to reaching it?
  4. How are you going to incorporate more joy into your life this coming year?
  5. Set intentions for how you would like to feel in the following areas of your life, along with what you’ll do to create this feeling (or if you’re more of a goal person, set some goals for each category):
    • Relationships
    • Self-development
    • Career
    • Finance
    • Health & Wellbeing
    • Family
    • Any other area that comes to mind

Now it's time to celebrate the year and yourself for taking the time to listen, and purposefully choose your inspiration and intentions for 2024! Keep your responses to these questions in a safe spot, think of it as a love letter to your future self. It's not just a New Year's resolution; it's a map of your hopes for the year, waiting to be revisited, revised, and celebrated throughout the year whenever you need a tune-up in alignment.

Here's to a truly special year ahead!

Love, Sol Cleanse