The Sol Journal

On A Wellness Journey With Nerida Bint


On A Wellness Journey With Nerida Bint

08 April, 2021

Nerida Bint founded Lissome in 2014 in an effort to help break down the barrier and stigma for women joining gyms. She strives to create a place and a community where every woman, no matter what age, shape, size or level of fitness can come and be welcomed, supported and encouraged to become their strongest, fittest, happiest version of themselves!

Nerida Bint founded Lissome in 2014 in an effort to help break down the barrier and stigma for women joining gyms. She strives to create a place and a community where every woman, no matter what age, shape, size or level of fitness can come and be welcomed, supported and encouraged to become their strongest, fittest, happiest version of themselves!

Last Sunday we hosted Sol Connection, our in-person workshop at Twine Yoga Studio in Newcastle. This was a complimentary offering to all Newcastle & Central Coast Community members who invested in a Cleanse throughout our launch week beginning the 4th April 2022. Sol Cleanse had dreamed up a day where we could connect with like minded souls, inspire education around cleansing and gift everyone who attended deep nourishment for their mind and body. It is no surprise that this is where we connected with the lovely Nerida.

What do you think is the answer to living a healthy happy life?

The answer to living a happy and healthy life for me is living my core values: Family, Growth and Freedom.

I want to be able to MOVE my body however I wish! Run, jump, crawl, climb, swim, surf, pick up children and be a part of LIFE! This is true wealth in my eyes!

I want to feel energised each day. I want to be at one with my emotions, so not to “be happy” all the time. This is a trite goal in my view. I want to be okay with the wide array of emotions I might feel on any given day and not be afraid of them. Also to be able to control these and not project any of this outward to family and friends. Having solid and beautiful relationships is key.

Experiencing life to its fullest through adventure and play every single day in some way is important too! Living my purpose and contributing to the betterment of society in some small way is vital.

How do you look after your health and well-being?

My main focuses for each day are:

  1. Meditation or stillness
  2. Movement of my body
  3. Vitamin D and Sea (sunshine and a dip in the ocean!)
  4. Preparing my own foods and making sure they are organic where possible
  5. Drinking clean filtered water
  6. Going to sleep and rising from sleep around the same times each day
  7. Doing things that fill my cup and letting go of things that make me stressed
  8. Saying NO to things that don't light me up and people who not drain my energy

How do you connect with the community?

Oh I love connection and community! I connect face to face through movement, training, adventure, being in nature and socially too. This way it’s always fun and beneficial for all. There’s something very special about being around women while they are striving to be their fittest and strongest that is so uplifting! It’s an incredible environment and I feel honoured to be in it.

I connect online too.

I also make a point of investing time and money into being around people I look up to, learn from and admire.

Additionally, making time to be with myself and turn inward is so important so that when I am with my community, I can give of myself fully.

Sol Cleanse Wellness

Does spirituality play a role in your life?

Oh 100% I am VERY spiritual! I am fascinated by the universe and the way this human experience works. I love different authors and speakers who play in this space and lately have been very into Dr Joe Dispenza’s work.

Ever since I began my spiritual journey and been brave enough to go within my life has unfolded in every single aspect for my highest good. In relationships, career, health, mindset and experiences.

Being with myself and listening to my intuition is a daily practice for me now and the more I tune in, the more messages that come. The more messages that come, the louder they are. The louder they are the more I hear them and can implement and follow.

Trusting and surrendering to this has been the most rewarding part of my life so far. It has brought me to my highest purpose and I am so grateful now for the wake up call I needed to finally start listening.

My biggest hope and wish is for more people to have the courage to look within and hear the whispers that call their name every single day.

How has your health and wellness journey changed or evolved in recent years?

In my twenties it was all about losing weight. In my thirties it was all about being strong. Now, this year as I approach 40, I view it so much more holistically. I have dived deep into holistic health this past year or so and am trying to optimise my health in every single way possible. Making sure I am living life day to day in the best health and wellbeing possible.

I now pay more attention to eating nutritional dense quality foods, clean filtered water, cutting out alcohol and coffee, nailing my sleep, focusing on my breath and meditation and noticing my energy and mental well-being too. It's crazy how connected it all is. I am so proud to say after seeing a fantastic naturopath last September (7 months ago now) I have been making little changes week by week and in that time frame I have not felt ill once. Not even a single day. It’s amazed me and encourages me to go even deeper into this all! Which is what inspired me in doing this cleanse.

You can connect with Nerida @neridabint