The Sol Journal

On a Wellness Journey with Holistic Psychologist, Laura


On a Wellness Journey with Holistic Psychologist, Laura

22 July, 2022

Prepare to be inspired by Laura, a holistic psychologist with a decade of experience in forensic, mental health, and addictions fields. Discover how she integrates mind, body, and soul through practices like Emotional Freedom Technique, Matrix Reimprinting, cleansing and more.

We recently met Laura at a reiki training and loved hearing about her background as a holistic psychologist. Laura has 10 years of experience in psychology, working across the forensic, mental health, and addictions fields. This journey has taught her that to heal, we must encompass all aspects of the mind, body, and soul together. So she is also a practitioner in Emotional Freedom Technique, Matrix Reimprinting, Holotropic Breathwork, Human Anatomy, Physiology, Nutrition and Exercise Science.

We caught up with Laura while she was on her cleanse and chatted all things health, wellness, spirituality and sustainability.

What do you think is key to living a happy and healthy life?

I feel through my own journey and supporting hundreds of women that the key to living a happy and healthy life is choosing you in every moment. We have been taught to satisfy the need of others and to appease others happiness when often its in the detriment of our own. When we feel that something isn’t right or maybe we don’t want to do something then in that moment choose what your body is guiding you to do rather than fear judgement and how others may feel. Self abandonment leads to disconnection from self and what it is that fulfills ourselves and our own lives. When we connect inward and what we are being guided to, self worth and self love increases and then overall wellbeing becomes a bi product of this. 

How do you look after your health and wellbeing?

Breathwork, stillness, movement and a diet that nourishes my mind, body & soul are my fundamentals as well as connection and expansive conversations with other like minded people fires my soul right up. Focusing on what increases my energy even through the power of my own language has been life changing for me – what we focus on grows!

How do you connect to the community?

I connect to the community every moment that I can, connection is one of my highest values and re energises me in so many ways. I connect with my clients and programs that I create daily. I also hold beautiful breathwork events and have built a beautiful community of people who believe in self healing and the power of themselves which is soul filling to be a part of and witnessing their journeys. I connect to local and global groups to learn and expand my own wisdom and knowledge. I openly acknowledge everyone that I meet throughout my day, whether it be at the supermarket with a kind gesture or a passer by on my walk on the beach with eye connection and a smile – I believe everyone we meet are an amazing teacher on our journey and I feel we don’t notice who is around us during the day and the magic and gifts they have to share.

Does spirituality play a role in your life? If so, how.

Yes!! I am huge on energy work and the power to self heal. This is more of an individual practice, and has to do with having a sense of peace and purpose, this is different for everyone – what lights me up may not light others up so its important you explore this for your own blueprint. I also change, challenge and develop beliefs around the meaning of life and connection with others, we are all one and when we realise this we see ourselves in everything and everyone around us with love and compassion.

How has your health and wellness journey changed or evolved in recent years? 

My outlook on health and wellbeing has changed over time, I used to spend a lot of time focusing on my nutrition and moving my body to burn the calories and look a particular way in which society deemed as “perfect”. However, I realised through my own healing journey that this was driven from pain and craving validation and to be recognised by everyone other than myself. Now, I feel investing in yourself is what has been a pivotal moment in my health and wellbeing, whether it be cleanses to nourish my body, retreats to connect back to myself and others, mentors and guides to support with my evolution to be of higher value to myself first and then this ripples onto others. The investment in myself over the years has been transformational and something that I continually do, which has created health and wellbeing from a place of passion and what lights me up. From this space we then become the lighthouse for others, we share our beautiful energy with those that we connect with each day by BEING the change not by speaking it.

What does sustainability mean to you?  What tips do you have?

Understanding that we are connected – therefore not respecting the planet in turn is not respecting ourselves. Maintenance of natural resources and maintaining an ecological balance allows generations to live in a peaceful and non polluted world creating lasting change for years to come.

Laura Corcoran Psychologist
"Sol Cleanse is the perfect combination of detox, health, vitality and balance. I felt energised and clear minded throughout the 3 day Warrior Cleanse which allowed me to be of services to others whilst nourishing and loving on myself. The whole cleanse was easy to follow and gave you positive daily reminders with the words on each jar, as a gentle reminder of what is important for our own health and wellbeing. Thank you!!"